Advanced Options Trading Concepts
Learn advanced options trading techniques and concepts that offer unique opportunities for experienced traders.
What Is the Jade Lizard Options Strategy?
What Is Gamma in Investing and How Is It Used?
Vega Definition
Understanding the Binomial Option Pricing Model
The Importance of Time Value in Options Trading
Explore Advanced Concepts
Straddle vs. Strangle: What's the Difference?
Bull Put Spread: How (and Why) To Trade This Options Strategy
The Collar Options Strategy Explained in Simple Terms
Preemptive Rights: Some Shareholders Get First Dibs on New Stock

What Is a Seagull Option? Definition and How They Work in Trading
What Happens to an Option When a Stock Splits?
Options Arbitrage Opportunities via Put-Call Parity
Factors That Influence Black-Scholes Warrant Dilution
Theta: What It Means in Options Trading, With Examples
Breaking Down the Binomial Model to Value an Option
Gamma-Delta Neutral Option Spreads
Bull Vertical Spread: What it is, How it Works, Example
Kurtosis Definition, Types, and Importance
Bear Spread: Overview, and Examples of Options Spreads
Long Straddle: Definition, How It's Used in Trading, and Example
Bermuda Option: What They Are, Examples, Pros and Cons
What Is a Volatility Smile and What Does It Tell Options Traders?
The Iron Condor
Multi-Leg Options Order: Definition, Strategies, Examples
Lattice-Based Model: What it Means, How it Works
Single Payment Options Trading Definition
Put on a Put
Short Straddle: Option Strategies and Examples
Trade-or-Fade Rule
Understanding the Options Premium
The Dangerous Lure of Cheap Out-of-the-Money Options
Call Ratio Backspread Definition, How to Use It, Example

Knock-In Option Explained, With Different Types, Examples
Curve Steepener Trade: Definition, Example, Trading Strategy
How Can I Calculate the Delta Adjusted Notional Value?
The Alphabet Soup of Credit Derivative Indexes
Understand the Option Risk with Covered Calls
Interest Rate Collar: Definition, How It Works, Example
Delta-Gamma Hedging: Definition, How It Works, Example
Flexible Exchange Option (FLEX): Components, How it Works
Strip Options: A Market Neutral Bearish Strategy
Asset Swapped Convertible Option Transaction (ASCOT) Overview
Credit Default Swap Index (CDX): What It Is and How It Works
Full Ratchet Anti-Dilution: Definition, Example, and Alternative
Strap Options: A Market Neutral Bullish Strategy
Spread Option: Definition, Examples, and Strategies
Bermuda Swaption: What it is, Styles, Pricing
How to Execute the Iron Condor Strategy
Fiduciary Call: What it is, How it Works
Structured Note: What It Is, How It Works, Common Types
Bear Put Spread: Definition, Example, How It's Used, and Risks
What Is Option-Adjusted Spread (OAS)? Definition and Example
Implied Volatility
Profiting From Position-Delta Neutral Trading
Advanced Option Trading: The Modified Butterfly Spread
What Is a Hybrid Security and What Are Different Types?
Accordion Feature: What it Means in a Loan Agreement, Examples
Land Lease Option
Write Covered Calls to Increase Your IRA Income
What Is an Iron Butterfly Option Strategy? Example and How to Use
A Beginner's Guide to Embedded Options in Bonds
Compound Option: Meaning, Variations, Example
Perpetual Option (XPO): What it Means, How it Works, Example
How a Protective Collar Works
One-Touch Option: Meaning, Overview, Outcomes