Dividend Stocks
Dividend stocks are companies that pay out regular dividends. Dividend stocks are usually well-established companies with a track record of distributing earnings back to shareholders.
How to Buy Dividend Stocks
What Does Dividend Per Share Tell Investors?
Extra Dividend: Meaning, Disadvantages, Example
Dividend Yield: Meaning, Formula, Example, and Pros and Cons
Dividend Reinvestment Plans (DRIPs): Compound Your Earnings
Explore Dividend Stocks
Record Date vs. Ex-Dividend Date: What's the Difference?
Drawdown vs. Disbursement: What's the Difference?
Cash Dividend: Definition, Example, Vs. Stock Dividend
What Does Ex-Dividend Mean, and What Are the Key Dates?
XD: What it is, How it Works, Special Rules
How Does a Stock Split Affect Cash Dividends?
Put Dividends to Work in Your Portfolio
Dividend vs. Buyback: What's the Difference?
Understanding How Dividends Affect Option Prices
How Dividends Affect Stock Prices With Examples
Capital Gains vs. Dividend Income: The Main Differences
Bird In Hand: Definition as Strategy in Investing and Example
Convertible Preferred Stock: Definition, Common Terms, and Example
Dividend Rate Definition, Formula & Explanation
Dividend-Adjusted Return: What it is, How it Works
Companies Once Owned by L Brands
Continuous Compounding Definition and Formula
What Is the Dividends Received Deduction (DRD) Tax Deduction?
Form 1099-DIV, Dividends and Distributions: How to File
Franked Dividend: Definition, Types, Example
What Is an Interim Dividend? How It's Paid and Who Is Eligible
Accumulated Dividend Definition
Ex-Dividend Date vs. Date of Record: What's the Difference?
4 Ratios to Evaluate Dividend Stocks
Pro Rata: What It Means and the Formula to Calculate It
What Are Qualified Dividends, and How Are They Taxed?
Ordinary Dividends: Meaning, Overview, Examples
Cumulative Preferred Stock: Definition, How It Works, and Example
Forward Dividend Yield: Definition, Formula, vs. Trailing Yield
Understanding Dividend Recapitalization, With Example
What Is a Passive Foreign Investment Company (PFIC)?
How and Why Do Companies Pay Dividends?
Guaranteed Stock Definition
How and When Are Stock Dividends Paid Out?
Cash Dividends vs. Stock Dividends
Dividend Rate vs. Dividend Yield: What’s the Difference?
How the Dividend Yield and Dividend Payout Ratio Differ
8 Monthly Dividend ETFs
How to Use the Dividend Capture Strategy
Cum Dividend: Definition, Meaning, How It Works, and Example
Best Preferred Stock ETFs
Dividend ETF: What it Means, How it Works
How Do ETF Dividends Work?
Best Dividend ETFs for Q4 2022
Target Payout Ratio
Dividend Per Share (DPS) Definition and Formula
How Does Preferred Stock Work?
Should Google Pay a Dividend to Stockholders?
Compounding Interest: Formulas and Examples
Dividend Policy: What It Is and How the 3 Types Work
What Is the Double Taxation of Dividends? How Dilemma Works
Who Actually Declares a Dividend?
Nike Stock: A Dividend Analysis (NKE)
The 3 Biggest Misconceptions About Dividend Stocks
6 REITs That Pay Dividends Regularly
Stock Dividend: What It Is and How It Works, With Example
Why do preferred stocks have a face value that is different than market value?
Digging Into the Dividend Discount Model
Why Would a Company Issue Preferred Shares Instead of Common Shares?
Preferred Dividends: Definition in Stocks and Use in Investing