Fixed Income Trading
Fixed income trading involves the buying and selling of securities including government and corporate bonds. Learn the basics of those securities and how they are impacted by government and fiscal policy and other macroeconomic indicators.
How to Open a Swing Trade Account

How to Swing Trade
Asset-Backed Commercial Paper (ABCP): Definition and Uses
What Is a Credit-Linked Note (CLN), and How Does It Work?
Equity-Linked Note (ELN) Definition and Features
Explore Fixed Income Trading
Riding the Yield Curve
Why Hedge Funds Love Investing in Distressed Debt
Normal Yield Curve: What it is, How it Works
Non-Marketable Security: Definition, Examples, Vs. Marketable
What Is a Negative Bond Yield? How It Works in Investing
What Is Prepayment Risk? Definition, Consequences, and Examples
What Is the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (FICC)? History
Interpolated Yield Curve (I Curve): Definition and Uses
Treasury Lock: Overview and Examples in Fixed Income Trading
Repudiation: Meaning, Examples and FAQs in Fixed Income
Convertible Hedge: What it Means, How it Works, Example
Matrix Trading: What it is, Risks, Example
Death Put: Meaning, Pros and Cons, Example
Master Notes
Brave Enough to Invest in Greek Bonds? Here's How
Constant Proportion Debt Obligation (CPDO)
Collateralized Mortgage Obligation vs. Collateralized Bond Obligation
Modified Pass-Through Certificate
What Are Some Examples of Debt Instruments?
What Does Market Segmentation Theory Assume About Interest Rates?
Empirical Duration
Risk-Free Asset: Definition and Examples of Asset Types
How to Calculate Macaulay Duration in Excel
How to Profit From Investing in Failing Company Debt
How Do I Calculate Convexity in Excel?
Global Bonds: What it is, Overview of How it Works
Convertible Bond Arbitrage: Definition, How It Works, Examples
Interest Rate Collar: Definition, How It Works, Example
Substitution Swap
Municipal Bond Arbitrage
Intermarket Spread Swap
Zero-Coupon Mortgage
Next Generation Fixed Income (NGFI)
Range Accrual Options: Types and Calculations
Cashless Conversion: Overview, Example, FAQ
Vintage: What it is, How it Works, Special Considerations
What Is Portfolio Runoff? Definition, How It Works, and Examples
Single Monthly Mortality (SMM): What it is, How it Works
Aggregator: What it is in Real Estate Investing
Stripped MBS
Assignment of Trade (AOT)
Calamity Call
48-Hour Rule
Reverse Convertible Note (RCN)
Dedicated Portfolio
Jumbo Pool
Delayed Perpetuity: Meaning, Examples, Calculations
How the Money Market Hedge Works
Inverse Relation Between Interest Rates and Bond Prices
Barbell: Definition in Investing, How Strategy Works, and Example
Calculating the Dollar Value of Basis Points in Excel
Floating Charge: Definition, How They're Used, and Example
Is the USAA Money Market Fund USAXX Worth It?
Theory of Liquidity Preference Definition: History, Example, and How It Works
Coupon Equivalent Rate (CER): Meaning, Formula, Example
Yield to Maturity vs. Holding Period Return: What's the Difference?
What Is a Basis Rate Swap? Definition, Example, and Basis Risk
Variable Rate Demand Note: Explaining VRDNs