Municipal Bonds
Municipal bonds (munis) are issued by state, county, and local municipalities to fund government work, such as road maintenance and other building projects.
Municipal Bonds vs. Taxable Bonds and Certificates of Deposit (CDs)
Electronic Municipal Market Access (EMMA)
SEC Form MSD Definition
Private-Purpose Bond Definition
Industrial Revenue Bonds—IRBs
Explore Municipal Bonds
Certificate of Participation (COP): Definition, Uses, Taxation
Municipal Bond: Definition, Types, Risks, and Tax Benefits
Tax Anticipation Note (TAN): Meaning, Benefits, Examples
Housing Authority Bonds Definition
De Minimis Tax Rule: Definition, Calculation, and Example
Private Activity Bonds (PAB) Explanation and Tax Treatment
How Are Municipal Bonds Taxed?
Sub-Sovereign Obligation (SSO)
Build America Bonds (BABs): Types, Restrictions, Vs. Other Bonds
Tax-Exempt Security: What it is, How it Works, Calculation
Overlapping Debt
Top 4 Municipal New York City Bond Funds
Invest in Municipal Bonds During Rate Hikes
Revenue Anticipation Note (RAN)
Are Municipal Bonds a Good Investment?
Revenue Bond: Definition, Types, and Examples
Variable-Rate Demand Bond: What it is, How it Works
Individual Muni Bonds vs. Bond Funds
Municipal Note
Double Barreled: Meaning, Benefits, Example
Weighing the Tax Benefits of Municipal Securities
Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) Overview
Housing Bonds
Special Tax Bond
Pre-Funded Bond
Bid Wanted
Public Purpose Bond
Municipal Bonds Vs. Money Market Funds
Standard & Poor's Underlying Rating (SPURs)
Airport Revenue Bond
Bond Buyer Index
Arbitrage Bond: What it Means, How it Works
Bond Buyer 20
Taxable Municipal Bond: Meaning, Types, Requirements
The Bond Buyer Definition
Mortgage-Backed Revenue Bond
Catastrophe Call
Municipal Bond Tips for the Series 7 Exam
Bond Buyer 11 (BB11)
Placement Ratio
Municipal Bond Fund: Meaning, Taxes, Investing
Workable Indication
Residual Interest Bond (RIB)
Special Assessment Bond
Moral Obligation Bond
Bond Attorney
What Does "WPPSS" Refer to in Muni Bond Defaults?
Mutual Investment Certificate
Blue List Definition
Municipal Investment Trust
Bond Bank
Toll Revenue Bond Definition, Components, and Examples
Municipal Bond Arbitrage
Escrowed to Maturity
Series 52
Unlimited Tax Bond
Utility Revenue Bond
Underlying Debt
Yield Equivalence
Municipals-Over-Bonds Spread (MOB)