Other Technologies
It's not just FInTech technologies making an impact. These technologies are constantly evolving and shaping our financial future.
What Is Moore's Law and Is It Still True?
A Comparison of 3 Cloud Strategies: Amazon, Microsoft, Google
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA): Definition, Uses, Examples
What Is a Data Warehouse? Warehousing Data, Data Mining Explained
Mobile Commerce: Definition, Benefits, Examples, and Trends
Explore Other Technologies
Quick Response (QR) Code: Definition and How QR Codes Work
What Is a Smartphone? A Mobile Phone and Computer In One Device
Quantum Computing: Definition, How It's Used, and Example
Near Field Communication (NFC) Definition
Net Neutrality Issue (Again): Pros and Cons
What Is a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)? Definition and Examples
Knowledge Engineering: What it Means, Examples
Natural Language Processing (NLP): What it Means, How it Works
All-In-On (AIO) PCs: Benefits and Limitations
How Drones Are Changing the Business World
Social Data: What It Is, How It Works, and Limitations
Geolocation: What it is, How it Works, Examples
Understanding Machine Learning: Uses, Example
Cloud Storage Definition, Benefits, Security
The Most Popular Mobile Payment Apps
Integrated Circuit Card: What it is, How it Works
Open Source: What it Means, How it Works, Example
Second Life Economy
M2M Economy
Weak AI (Artificial Intelligence): Examples and Limitations
The Turing Test: What Is It, What Can Pass It, and Limitations
4 Amazing Amazon Technologies (and One Bomb)
How the Internet Has Changed Investing